Gaza and the Death of Nihilism


Palestinians perform Friday prayers outside a mosque which witnesses said was destroyed by an Israel air strike

The atheist/nihilist sitting in the comfort of his/her room blabbering about the meaninglessness of life and the evil and suffering around the globe to negate the existence of All Powerful, All Knowing God is faced with the serious observations that challenge their postulations about their perceived reality. The ground reality is far more astonishing than the nihilist's suppositions.

A rocket launched from the vile inhuman genocidal maniacs turned thousands of children into pieces. The rocket and the rocket launchers do not discriminate between anyone, they kill everyone indiscriminately. They neither leave schools nor hospitals and refugee camps. The likes of this blatant terrorism have not yet been witnessed in this modern world.

At some point in time, Nihilism overpowers us and makes us feel hopeless due to the situations around us. But the crisis in Gaza and the monstrous role of Israeli megalomaniacs, Nihilism has to die due to the injustice and oppression done to countless people. If the child bombers get away with all the blood on their hands then at the grand cosmic level of things the sufferings of Gazans have no meaning. If the mass murderers won't be called into account even after their death then what bad are they doing? If Jordan Peterson can advise Netanyahu to unleash hell on Gazans then who will unleash hell on these genocidal maniacs?


As Gazans endure suffering, they display unshakeable faith in God. Literally, none among the 2 Million Gazans came up to collectively deny God on the pretext of their sufferings. And this phenomenon is not exclusive to Gaza but occurs wherever oppression is unleashed on innocents. The willingness to hold onto faith in God does not deter them in the face of suffering. Interestingly, it is not enforced, unlike the plot to eradicate God during the communist era, which didn't last long. While there is no empirical evidence for the hereafter, similar to the absence of nihilism and atheism, the question remains: How do we make sense of this suffering? Is it blind faith? Is it temporary escapism? Is it the innate disposition? Or is it the ultimate truth?


  1. Beautifully written and I believe it's the ultimate truth for the world to be an unfair unjust place


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